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Interior Design Trends for 2017

While we are a month into 2017, you still have plenty of time to get ahead of the curve and incorporate some of the design trends for this year into your existing home, your new home, or even just a few details here and there in various rooms. Here are the top five design trends for 2017:

1 - Plants, plants everywhere// While this has always been a trend in the past years, however, this year "experts" predict that not only will people incorporate more plants into their homes, but also into businesses as well. Live plants are always the best option because they make your air cleaner and fresher just by being there. However, nowadays there are great looking fake plants that you can incorporate as well. 2 - Marble Wallpaper// If you've been active on Pinterest or any interior design blogs and Instagram, you've seen marble wallpaper many times now. Because of how popular incorporating marble into your home is, there's no sign of the trend stopping now! 3 - Living Minimally// Minimalism has been a big trend for a while now, but living minimally in terms of your home furnishings has really taken off. White walls, simple, elegant furniture, and cozy throws are all you need to pull off the minimalist look. Less furniture to clean, am I right? 4 - Copper Accents// Copper accents were super big last year, and they're here to stay. The great thing about this trend is that all you need is a few copper accents to really make a statement in your home. Whether it's a copper mirror, vase, or lighting, all you need is a little and it will go a long way. 5 - Cork// Cork is a fun little accent to add to your home and it's definitely easy. Take cork from the floor to the ceiling beside of your desk or command center or do a DIY cork craft from wine bottles! What are your favorite trends for the coming year?

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