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How to Reset Your Week

Now that we’ve had the new year and we’re well on our way to our goals, its important to keep that momentum going. These are things that help me refresh and reset each week before I start all over. I find that the weeks that I plan ahead of time and give my house a good clean on a Saturday, I have a much smoother week.

Brain Dump// I cannot express to you the importance of this step. Grab your journal if you have one, grab a random notebook if you don’t. Put every single thing you are thinking about on the page, especially if they are actionable items or tasks. It’s much easier to begin to tackle these things when you have them all on paper and you can cross them out as you place the tasks where they need to go.

Plan Your Week// Hopefully you already have a calendar where you have important dates called out. Whether you have a weekly style planner or a daily one like I do, put those important dates in there first, if something like “Pay Rent” or “Dr. Appointment 9:30” happens to fall this week. Next, do you have any meetings? Any dates? Chuck that in there! Do you need to prep anything before that day (i.e. write a meeting agenda, get a blow out, etc.)? Go ahead and put those tasks in your planner so you don’t forget about them when you inevitably will get distracted with something else.

Check Your Budget// I’m trying to stick to a budget this year and really save some money now that I’m working full-time and I’m out of school. I like to spend time each week looking at what I spent money on and input it into a spreadsheet I made that categorizes what I’m spending money on like, food, shopping, animals, etc. At this time, I like to double check that any bills that I have on autopay have come out as they should have.

Journaling and Reflecting// I’ve been watching MuchelleB on YouTube for a while now and I’ve started to implement her Weekly Review process. Essentially, you brain dump, and answer some questions about your goals, how you felt throughout the week, what you did to achieve your goals, what worked well this week, and what didn’t. I recommend you watch her videos if you are interested in thinking more about this!

Clean Your House// Nothing will make you feel like you’re getting a fresh start better than cleaning your house will. For me, dishes tend to pile up (ew, I know) and laundry goes unfolded for weeks. I like to take Saturdays to blast some music and do what I need to get done around the house. I feel better when I start the week off with a clean house and it makes me want to try and keep it that least for a couple of days.

Groceries// By the end of the week, we usually have NO food and if we do, it’s usually not the best stuff for us. Make sure to get groceries every week or every two weeks, however you like to do it. By making sure you have the ingredients you need for each meal, essentials like butter, rice, flour, etc., you won’t have to have that annoying moment of not having something you need for a recipe. And hopefully, by getting groceries and having food in the house, you won’t go out to eat as much as you normally would.

Pamper// My favorite thing to do on Sundays is to pamper myself. I love to take a hot shower and wash my hair (I don’t wash it more than 2 times a week now), put a face mask on, and paint my nails. Do anything to pamper yourself that will make you feel just a liiiiittle more put together and refreshed. Pluck your eyebrows, use a hair mask, or even carve out some time to read the book you’ve been meaning to get to.

These are things that I like to do each week to make sure I’m starting off on the right foot on Monday. It’s rough to get up and get back to the work grind, but it helps to have things organized, and you’re mentally feeling better and refreshed.

What do you do to “reset your week”?

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